COHO Communication and Information Policy

Short version:

Don't give out other's information and don't be harmful or hateful in game communication.

Long version:

It is my policy to limit access to information about individuals on this site. For most games I will only use the first name and last initial to identify competitors unless I know that all members know each other IRL and that it is a private page. Interaction between individuals will be facilitated in different games using methods that preserve annonymity (for instance using a COHO number for group texting, using forums, or individual seperate emails when sending from the server). I will never distribute information to the league in a way that shows contact information. Be careful about giving any information to contestants you don't know and DO NOT share others' information on this site. There will undoubtedly be individuals that know each other here but this is still a public place. Revealing information about others on this site or in relation to this site is prohibited and may be grounds for removal from games or termination of your account.

In addition, harmful and/or hateful speech will not be tolerated and can also be cause for removal from a game or termination of your account. Belittling someone for any differences, real or percieved, or degrading or desparaging any group of people is also prohibited on this site. This includes but is not limited to religion, race, color, sex, sexual orientation/identity, age, national origin, and disablilties. Please be respectful of and to others. I don't plan on including any religious/anti-religious/political games or material on this site nor will I comment on such. Please do the same.

If you have issue with content posted or sent you can report offending material to and I will look into it and determine the appropriate action to take regarding it.